Date posted: Wed, 20 Jan 2016
Posted by: Daniel A

A few important updates:

Club Forum and Special General Meeting (SGM).

The club will be providing the opportunity for the membership and committee to discuss club plans and activities. Anything a member would like discussed can be brought up. We are planning a SGM for the same night to address two matters, some minor constitution amendments and the approval of a fee change. Notice of the SGM will be officially sent out soon. Planning for the SGM to be held at 6pm (if you can't make it, you can organise a proxy, details will be in the official notice), the regular club meeting around 7pm and the club forum around 7.30pm on the 16th of February. Pizza will be provided.

Proposed topics include:

  • State of Ropes within MUMC and the University 
  • Memorial trip to MUMC hut for Dale and Stu (Suggested timing? Same as the trip for the 50th of the memorial hut or a separate trip?) 
  • Proposal for a mountaineering grant to commemorate what Dale and Stu gave to the club and continue their passion for getting members out into the mountains 
  • Adventure Grant Plans 
  • Team app 
    • Update and feedback 
    • Has team app been beneficial for communication? 
    • Would members prefer a website? 
  • What would the membership like to see from the committee? 
  • Plus anything else the committee or members would like to discuss. It would be great to let me know in advance but if not bring it up on the night. 
  • The club is what you make of it. If you have an idea let us know, better yet, you run with it and the committee will support you. The more ideas we pursue the greater the club will be for members.

50th Anniversary of MUMC Memorial Hut. 

It's now 50 years since the hut was built as a memorial to the deaths of Doug Hatt and Russell Judge in New Zealand in 1965. It is now a place we remember all our lost friends. We need someone to step up and organise some events to celebrate the 50th year of the hut. This would include a trip to the hut but also something in Melbourne for older members who may not be able to make the trip to the hut anymore. If you’re interested let me know.


O-week is coming up soon (25/26th February). If you’re able to assist either on the day or with organising please chat to David Heng. We need heaps of volunteers on the day, the more the better, you don't need to have been around the club for long to help with this. The abseil won’t be going ahead this year but we still need plenty of people on the table to talk to new members. This is a significant income to the club for the year. We are currently planning on setting up a campsite, having the caving problem out, having a TV with members movies playing to show off what we do, plus any other ideas you can come up with (talk to David). If you’ve made outdoor movies (ie submitted to pie and slide) please send them to David. This is a great social few days and anyone can come along and talk to new members, I would highly encourage everyone to come along even if you only have a few hours available.

Intro Trip

Intro trip organisation is currently under way, 18-20th March. We will be needing lots of people to help out, catering, transport, shopping and of course leaders so start thinking about making yourself available.

Training Fund

The committee has approved a training fund for members to apply to assist in financial payment for further skill acquisition. This fund operates similar to the first aid grants of last year. Look in the documents section of TeamApp for the application and submit to Jack () or Evie ().


Anja and her team and starting to plan for the next Mountaineer. Over the course of the past year a lot has happened. I’m sure you all have your stories to tell. Why not write them down and send them to . Submissions by the 29th of February. 

It will be a great opportunity to remember Stu and Dale, so maybe jot something down over the next few weeks, maybe a story about them, maybe something they taught you, maybe some photos on a previous trip.

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