Check out some of our recent adventures in the club magazine, The Mountaineer.

If you want to get a hard copy of the current edition, come to the clubrooms on a Tuesday night, or if you are happy to pay $6 to cover postage costs, please get in touch at or contact the secretary at .


The Mountaineer — or The Circular as it was originally known — began as a means of notifying members of coming events. Eventually it evolved to include trip reports and articles on mountaineering. In 1961, it was formally registered at the post office as a periodical. The Baillieu Library at Melbourne University's Parkville campus, the State Library of Victoria, and the National Library in Canberra each hold a collection of past editions.

Today, The Mountaineer serves to document and celebrate MUMC’s activities and people. It is a high quality publication and continues to engross readers with each edition released.

Past Issues

Below you will find a selection of past editions that reveal the club's personalities, the wildernesses explored, the rocks and mountains climbed, rivers kayaked, and all the highs and lows of each adventure. Enjoy.