Midnight Ascent

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Special Events

Fri 19 7:00pm - Sun 21 Aug 2016 8:00pm

Posted by Evie C on Mon, 25 Jul 2016
Leaders: Evie C
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: No meeting



With the first weekend of snow still damp in our boots, winter is finally here! And so too, comes the once-in-a-year-celebration-of-a-lifetime Midnight Ascent! Save the date in your diaries or whatever other smart devices you may have - you don’t want to miss this!

‘What is this Midnight Ascent?’, the new OXOs whisper as veteran ascenters discuss plans excitedly. Well, my friends, I will leave the majority of the explaining to the knowledgeable souls at the great education hall that is The Pub. Put simply, Midnight Ascent is the annual club trip to our snow-surrounded MUMC hut at Mt Feathertop, where the 4-7hr walk begins at midnight on Friday and all sanity is left at the carpark. Think fancy dress in the snow, think three-course meal from scratch, think some classic adventuring with all your friends.

The full moon falls late in August this year, and the trip will run on the 19th-21st August. More details to come. Sign-ups open on the 26th July and places are limited! You must have been on at least two club trips to sign up (so if you are a new member that is keen to come, make sure you get out on a couple of trips before then!).

Without further ado, the theme of the 2016 Midnight Ascent is…….. The Roaring Twenties!

Welcome to the happy-go-lucky decade of prosperity, sequins and jazz. An era where flappers and gigalos ruled the night, motor cars replaced wagons and the liquor never ran out. While Al-Capone reigned in Chicago, George Mallory led expeditions on Everest, Charlie Chaplin starred in film and Albert Einstein ran experiments. Dress like you are attending a party by the Great Gatsby himself - be it formal, bedazzled, famous etc - show us that 1920s style!

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