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Whitewater Kayaking

Fri 11 - Sun 13 Aug 2017

Posted by Lingshu L on Mon, 7 Aug 2017
Leaders: Lingshu L, Robert S
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 8 Aug 2017, 12:00 am

(beginner-intermediate kayaking trip, perhaps overnight, perhaps tow day trips)

In CVEN90051 Civil Hydraulics, you will learn the intricacies of open channel flow, sediment transport, and coastal processes. The first module we cover is open channel flow. In order to get a better grasp of these concepts, a visit to the river and an observation of hydraulic jumps, subcritical and supercritical flow, flow around obstacles, Manning's uniform flow, and seeing the force of gravity overcoming the shear force from friction on the channel beds will fortify your knowledge!

If you'd like an insight into the possibilities of hydraulic modelling, or an adventure on white water rapids, or just going with the flow, come on this educational experience with a splash of dimensionless numbers.

The field trip location will be announced later in the week depending on the most suitable water level of the river for most exciting water features, aiming for grade II-III. 

Given the theoretical nature of fluid mechanics, there is a probability that it will be cold. Also given that this is a master's subject, this trip will likely not be suitable for those who have not been (paddled) on rivers before.

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