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Thu 15 Nov 2018

Posted by Alex H on Mon, 12 Nov 2018
Leaders: Alex H

Social Thursday Revival!!

Come over this Thursday for a wild night of Slack-lining, Drinks, Pizza and Board-games for the revival of Social Thursdays. Nearly all of us will have finished exams by this Thursday, and what a better way of celebrating than catching up with some oxo frens. I will try to procure some ~spicy~ board-games for the night as well as a slack-line and the cheapest goon I can find (extra points if I can find it in a dumpster). We'll probably get pizza like the good ol' days from dominoes at $5 a value pizza and split it (there are $5 vegan options). Come along for some cheap, wholesome fun. Better yet, bring your own *spicy* board-game or a slack-line (I don't have one at the current moment...)

Hope to see all you cool cats there this Thursday!! Let's revive Social Thursday!!

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