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Rock Climbing

Sat 16 Mar 2019 8:00am - 6:00pm

Posted by Channa Dias P on Fri, 1 Mar 2019
Leaders: Channa Dias P, Andriana S
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: Tue, 12 Mar 2019, 7:00 pm

Hi all!

Andriana and I are running a beginner top roping trip to the You Yangs.

For those who don't know, Top Roping is a beginner friendly form of climbing, where the rope is attached to you and then goes to an anchor that is above you. What's great about this, is that you would only fall a tiny bit, less than half a meter or so, so don't worry if you're worried about falling.

If you have no experience (or no gear) this trip is totally fine for you. It's a great way just to spend some time outdoors. 

If you have some experience gym climbing, this would be a great way to climb on real rock ! Often it's a bit trickier than expected. 

The details as to where we are going to climb isn't set in stone (hehe), but we'll sus it out before the meeting on Tuesday. 

Sign ups will be open a week before the trip runs.

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