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Whitewater Kayaking

Sat 7 Dec 2019 10:30am - 5:00pm

Posted by Lingshu L on Thu, 28 Nov 2019
Leaders: Lingshu L, T J
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 3 Dec 2019, 7:00 pm

This trip is for people who would like to get into whitewater kayaking, and want to learn a very important skill: rolling! Rolling is what you do to get upright again, when your kayak goes upside down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLxxI4GDE80 

Also for people who want to practise their rolls or refresh their rolls or learn their other-side roll.

The plan would be to meet at the clubrooms at 10am and go through the theory of rolling. Eat lunch. Then load up the cars and start heading over to the pool at 12pm, getting changed and all the boats unloaded - ready for a 1pm sharp start on the pool.  After we're done in the pool, we'll come back to the clubrooms to review some video footage and wash the gear of chlorine. 

The Vic Uni pool is available from 1-3pm on Saturday and Sunday of this weekend. Please comment below on which day/s you are available. Actual day will be confirmed at the trip meeting on Tuesday depending on availabilities.

Cost including pool hire, gear hire and transport of gear from the clubrooms and back will be $20 each person, if we get at least 8 people to come. Please bring $20 in cash to the trip meeting on Tuesday. If insufficient people sign up then this trip will be cancelled (again)... If there are less than 8 people and the weather is looking alright, we can consider moving the rolling session to the bay (also TBC on Tuesday at the trip meeting).

2/12 Update: trip will be running on Saturday. I have increased the number of spots available to 12 participants.

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