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Rock Climbing

Fri 8 Apr 2011 9:00am - 7:00pm

Posted by Benjamin W on Mon, 4 Apr 2011
Leaders: No leader
Standard: app/trips.standards.self sufficient, leader or maybe seconder
Meeting: Tue, 5 Apr 2011, 7:17 pm

Due to me having a low workload, a day off uni, and having carefully considered all responsibilities, commitments and other possible uses of my time that may or may not effect my future career, studies, family, friends, associates and just life in general; I have decided to go climbing this Friday.

It was a tough decision, weighing up all factors that come into play, but in the end that is what I decided is right for me. The weather's looking sunny (as long as we apply sun block we should be safe), and a regular day out of town excercising has been proven to do wonders for ones expected life years, not to mention general well being and overall happiness. Also if ever I am in a situation where I may need to climb up a steep/vertical or even overhung rock (or similar) wall to save my life - the experience gained on this day may well save my life.

I suggest everyone consider their own situation carefully, decide whether or not  you can afford to take a day off whatever it may be that you would normally be doing, maybe sleep on it for a night or two, make sure that you have chosen correctly. Check with your boss, tutorers, lectureres, housemates and probably even your mum to make sure it is all good. Then if you are still able to responsibly take the day off for climbing send an email to and we can probably arrange something, as long as no work, assignments, cleaning, cooking or general housekeeping items come up. If you need help in weighing up all factors risks and issues involved with taking the day off, feel free to speak to me or any other committee member at tuesdays meeting.

The rough plan will be to leave at a reasonable hour friday morning, head out most likely to Werribee Gorge (or potentially camels hump, but i dont know much about that area) and climb for most of the day, aiming to get back to the city before 6 or 7pm (in order to make it to bed at a responsible hour)

Email if you want in and we will see what we can do.

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