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Canoe Polo

Sun 16 Jan 2022

Posted by Aaditya C on Thu, 6 Jan 2022
Leaders: Aaditya C
Standard: Beginner
Meeting: No meeting

Hi everyone,

Canoe Polo is back. For those who don't know what it is, it is a game played with kayaks, that would require a team to score by throwing polo balls into a goal that is raised a few meters above the water. 

The interclubs are social Canoe Polo tournaments that are generally played during summer. It is also a great opportunity to get into Canoe Polo if you haven't had a chance yet. 

You would be required to have attended at least one previous beginner kayaking or canoe polo training session to know how to wet exit before you can attend the games.


Additional info: For those who can join all 4 rounds, the cost would be 35$ per person. You can also join individual days based on your availability at 15$ per person. Polo gear can be hired from the venue at an additional 10$ for each session. The first round is at the Edgewater canoe polo field.

For those who want to try out Canoe Polo and develop their skills, there will be weekly training on Saturdays at the Edgewater canoe polo field. At 10 am, we will have the skill development session, and at 12 pm we will have the beginner intro sessions. Contact me if you are interested in joining the training sessions so that we can have gear ready for you.

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