Sat 8 - Sun 9 Oct 2022
Posted by Callum E
on Wed, 3 Aug 2022
Callum E, Emma F
Standard: Everyone welcome
Meeting: Tue, 27 Sep 2022, 7:00 pm
Note trip meeting is held 2 Tuesdays before the event so teams have time to enter. This is run externally to MUMC by Rogaining Victoria.
There are 2 competitive events at this Rogaine:
Pyrenees Ponder 24hr rogaine = Australasian Rogaining Championships 24hr (ARC22)
Pyrenees Ponder Non-Championship 6-hour rogaine (Pyrenees Ponder 6hr = PP6)
The 6 hour and 24 hour event both start on Sunday.
Entry fees are:
- $50pp for the 6hr event
- $150pp for the 24hr event
For more details visit https://rogainevic.org.au/arc/
Never heard of Rogaining?
Rogaining is the sport of distance cross-country navigation in which teams of two to five members visit as many checkpoints as possible in the specified time (usually 6 or 12 hours). Its kind of a mix between trail running and orienteering.
A central base camp (called the "Hash House") provides hot meals throughout the event and teams may return at any time to eat, rest or sleep. Teams travel at their own pace- though its a competition, you can go as fast or as slow as you like, and there is no pressure to get to any or all of the checkpoints.
MUMC invented it- Rogaining developed as a sport in its own right in the early 1970's, but 24-hour walks had been held since at least 1947 by MUMC. The word ROGAINE was coined from: ROd, GAIl and NEil, the three people in Australia who developed the first ROGAINE.
Once you've started an event, the parts of the course you see are entirely up to you and your team members. Some teams may cover more than 60km in a 12 hour event or over 100km in an event of 24 hours duration. However, many others may walk only a few kilometres and achieve just as much satisfaction :)
Note that the meeting is 2 Tuesdays before the rogaine so that teams can be organised before the entry closure date and have time to enter. Instructions on how to enter can be found here https://rogainevic.org.au/events3/event-entry-how-to-explanation/. Entry is $32 per person. You are also entitled to a $10 reimbursement for up to 2 x 6hr rogaines or 1 x 12/24 hour rogaine. You can get this by emailing through your receipt to .
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