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Whitewater Kayaking, Rafting, Training

Sat 4 Mar 2023

Posted by Dáire K on Wed, 2 Nov 2022
Leaders: Dáire K
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: No meeting

**Whitewater leaders - please aim to attend a skills refresher, particularly if it has been >2 years since last time. New whitewater leaders or those with an out of date SRT certificate may instead apply for a subsidy to attend an official SRT course - contact if interested**

Whitewater rescue is a perishable skill and it's been a while since we last ran a refresher, and been two years since the club ran an official one, so lets keep them skill sharp.

Planning on heading up to the Goulburn to practise throwbagging, defensive swimming, boat rescue, Z-drags, and any other skills you need to brush up on.

Can be run as a day trip, or over two days while staying at Blue Gums Caravan Park. Preference given to those who have previously done a Swiftwater Rescue Course, although also open to those who have some whitewater experience and want to become a leader.

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