Fri 21 - Sun 23 Apr 2023
Posted by Dáire K
on Tue, 28 Feb 2023
Aaditya C
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 11 Apr 2023, 7:00 pm
****EDIT 6/4/23: Against all expectations there has been a release announced which has a peak flow on the weekend of 21/4. Please attend the trip meeting on 11/4 to confirm a place.
****Edit 27/3/23: This trip is looking increasingly unlikely. The most recent announcement from the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority at the start of March was that there were no releases planned. If nothing else is announced by April 3rd then this trip will likely be cancelled altogether.
The Thomson River usually does an environmental release sometime around mid-end of April which makes it one of the best whitewater rivers in the state for progressing beyond Yarra trips.
The exact dates for the release have yet to be announced, but watch this space.
The best section is Brunton's Bridge to Cowwar Weir. It's about 30km of paddling, so either a very long day, or an overnighter.
Requirements of this trip are:
- Been on a club overnight camping trip
- Attending at least one previous paddling trip with the club
- Capable of comfortably swimming 50m.
Food will be coordinated between attendees when the list is finalised.
Attendance at the meeting two Tuesdays before the trip is mandatory.
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