Rock Climbing Logo

Rock Climbing

Fri 29 Mar - Wed 3 Apr 2024

Posted by Dáire K on Sun, 26 Nov 2023
Leaders: Dáire K
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 19 Mar 2024, 7:00 pm

Take some time off for the Easter break and come climbing!

Edit 12/3/24: We're off to Arapiles! Drivers to and from will be decided at the meeting on March 19th. Please ensure you have booked your campsite, it's only $2.90 per night and the rangers will likely be around to check.

Expected costs are fuel split between the passengers and your food costs.

Please note this is not a formal instruction trip, participants are expected to have basic trad climbing skills as a minimum.

Exact location TBD. We could do the classic Araps trip, or go to the Cathedrals and repeat some MUMC classics, or head up north and do some bigger walls like at Mt Buffalo or even as far as the Blue Mountains!

To be eligible for this trip, please ensure you have submitted your logbook to the Ropes Sports Officer, or otherwise be signed off within the club's climbing safety management plan.

Participants must as a minimum be capable of abseiling and seconding on trad. 

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