Rock Climbing Logo

Rock Climbing

Fri 15 - Sun 17 Mar 2024

Posted by Isaac M on Wed, 28 Feb 2024
Leaders: Isaac M, Luke S, James V, Riley C, Alicia C
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Wed, 13 Mar 2024, 7:00 pm

For experienced climbers!!

This is a climbing trip to the Cathedral Ranges, where we will be hoping to tackle some of the long multi-pitch trad routes, we will most likely be climbing at the North Jawbone ( )  and the Sugarloaf peak ( ). 

This trip is intended for people who already have experience climbing (at a minimum I am expecting participants to have a lead pass from a gym or be a competent lead climber). With this trip we will be limited by the number of climbing leaders, so if you think you should be ticked off in the Club's climbing framework (details here:  please send an email to the ropes officer (). If you are unsure about if you are suitable, feel free to get in contact with me. If you are worried that you might not be a strong enough climber, don't worry, we will be doing climbs at a variety of grades.

The costs for this trip will be the price of fuel, campsite fees and any gear hire (please come to the trip meeting to hire anything you need).

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