Midnight Ascent 2012

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Special Events

Fri 3 7:00pm - Sun 5 Aug 2012 7:00pm

Posted by James C on Thu, 5 Jul 2012
Leaders: James C
Standard: n/a
Meeting: Tue, 31 Jul 2012, 7:15 pm

Requirements: A realistic assessement of your own abilities. Additional information here (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2481766/midnight_ascent_2012.pdf).

But what is Midnight Ascent James?

I'm so glad you asked. Midnight Ascent is an amazing annual trip in which MUMC members hike up to the club hut on Mt. Feathertop at midnight (if you couldn't already guess that part) after driving from Melbourne on Friday night. The trip is timed to coincide with the first full moon in August which is important because this year there are two full moons this August! This helps us see in the dark (if it isn't overcast) and makes the 4+ hour walk up even more spectacular. After getting (or not getting) some sleep Saturday morning OXOs (a name some MUMCers give themselves) start the party preparations. The party itself includes the cooking of a lavish 3 course meal from scratch in groups of 6 (so start thinking of what to make).

I've been in the club for many years, just tell me the date and theme already!

We will be leaving Melbourne on Friday the 3rd of August after work / uni / unemployment to start hiking up at midnight that night. This year Midnight Ascent will be a strictly black tie function. We will return to Melbourne Sunday night on the 5th.

How much does it cost?

This has been changed! The trip will still cost around $40 but it will be caculated by your driver at the end of the trip and paid directly to them. You no longer have to bring cash to the meeting.

Can I sign up?

You need to have been on at least two trips with MUMC this year. This is because Midnight Ascent has limited space and we want to encourage current active members to take the spots.

Additionally before you sign up you should realistically assess if you are up for the challenge (see below).

I'm not very fit but I really want to party, is the walk up difficult?

The walk is slow and continuous uphill for at least 4 hours without stopping and potentially twice that with regular stops. In parts the track is overgrown and there will likely be snow for a significant part of the track. Combined with us walking at night-time the hike can be taxing and difficult.

If this doesn't sound like fun perhaps you should get a little more bushwalking experience and sign up next year. You can always shoot me an email or have a chat if you're still not sure.

How do I sign up?

You can signup by emailing me any time from now until the trip is full. My email is

How many people are going?

This year the trip is capped at 42 people. This number is divisible by 6 and and ascetically pleasing among other things.

I don't have any friends. Can you put me in a food group?

We can sort out food groups at the trip meeting if you don't have people to go with.

Are you supplying alcohol?

I'm not going to carry that up for you! Everyone can bring up there own drinks if they want and there has been a keg of beer brewing in the hut since the maintenance trips earlier this year. I believe Alex Thompson can answer your questions about its likely excellent quality and availability.

What else do I need to bring?

You will be added to the Midnight Ascent trip after emailing me. Closer to the date I will write up a list of suggested equipment on this page.

I've emailed you, what happens now?

I'll add you to the list and put you in the trip on the website provided there is room. Hang tight for the trip meeting on the 31st of July and if you have any more questions shoot me another email, I really like them.

~ MUMC Bushwahlking Officer, James Cristofaro

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