Rock Climbing Logo

Rock Climbing

Fri 28 6:00pm - Sun 30 Jun 2013 8:00pm

Posted by Rodney P on Thu, 30 May 2013
Leaders: Rodney P, Richard B
Standard: Intermediate
Meeting: Tue, 25 Jun 2013, 7:15 pm

This will be an weekend course for climbers who have led sport routes or seconded, and want to lead on gear.  It will be held at Mt Arapiles.  Single pitch climbing will be covered on Saturday, and multipitch climbing on Sunday for those interested.  This course is shorter than usual, and participants will need to take even more responsibility than usual for learning the skills and applying them safely.

The course is limited to 10 people, the most our climbing store can supply.  Those who missed out on Learn to Lead 2 have priority, but other members are welcome if there are spare places.  The trip meeting will introduce some ropework to practice before the trip, so attendance is compulsory.

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