Clubrooms Groovify

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Sun 5 Oct 2014 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Posted by Dale T on Tue, 16 Sep 2014
Leaders: Dale T
Standard: app/trips.standards.Everyone welcome :)
Meeting: Sun, 5 Oct 2014, 1:00 pm

OMG we've got visitors coming!!! Yep that's right it's just like a tenancy inspection or having your parents for dinner - on Saturday 11 October our clubrooms will become Party HQ for the 70th Anniversary Dinner so let's make it look awesome.

There will be decorating, organising, tidying and of course cleaning! We need all the gear stores super neat so people can admire our toys, the lounge areas tidy so people can sit down with their drinks and hores-doovers and we'll need to set up attractions like the slide show and BAR! :) Please come along and help out - there'll be something for everyone to do and lots of time to socialise and meet people while you do it.  Also I intend to bribe you all with afternoon tea. The more people who attend the more fun it will be and the quicker it will all get done. Please sign up if you intend to come so I have an idea of how many cakes/brownies/biscuits to make.

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